Don't let your worries get the better of you- remember, even Moses started off as a basket case.

Monday 25 June 2007

FiRsT daY oF ScHoOL

hey i survived the first day of school! started off the day with a couple of suay events... arrived at the bus stop to see my bus zip right pass me... security guard from tkgs trying to be funny and chat me up (这么久没有见到你,我以为你没有教书了,我在Tampines看到你了. duh? so what?)
surprise surprise we have a total of 10 new teachers with 2 more coming in! vp was at a loss trying to introduce the whole lot of us to the school... everyone is busy busy so i and LL were "appointed" to bring the rest around the school compound, familiarise with school matters, get transponders, find HODs, get things zapped... ha ha ha i am da jie da =P
believe me when i say that the staffroom is literally bursting at its seams with teachers, some of the newbies even had to sit in the pantry... i have a proper seat although its location is nothing to rave about, its in a narrow walkway besides the main entrance and the air con is right behind me... bad 杀气 ,风水不好
was nice to see plenty of familiar faces in the classes, especially when a couple of them dropped by the staffroom to wave and exclaim Ms Tay Ms Tay remember us? and students smiling to me when i pass them by... ha ha feel like a star (暗爽,哈哈哈!)

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