Don't let your worries get the better of you- remember, even Moses started off as a basket case.

Sunday 11 November 2007




Tuesday 16 October 2007

rain rain go away

i am standing by the window
and it is grey that i see
raindrops splatter over the window sill
all over me.
i shut the window and
there is a girl staring right back at me
with swollen eyes, i cannot tell
if it is raindrops
or teardrops
streaking her face.

Thursday 20 September 2007



Sunday 16 September 2007

My Fav TeAcHeR's DaY GiFt

know teacher's day is eons ago but only had time recently to take
a photo of this gift. feels so nice to be appreciated... i will rock on
man no matter how tough the going gets!

my Bro in ArmY

this is my younger brother in army clothes haha almost couldn't recognise him when he first came back so dark and tan and with a crew cut but ha ha he is actually more good looking now! more man! dun tell him i said that!

BaCk In ScHooL

Haha back to deconstructing the ivory towers built by the high up there educational theorists...
been a week of lunches and KTV and movies and dinners and meeting up with supervisor... really in no mood to study but mus get out of this mode soon!

Saturday 28 July 2007

tHat Is soOoOo sAd....

over lunch, my colleague was saying how this particular teacher will come to school everyday, even during saturdays and in the school hols too! she will jus bring along korean dramas to watch to while her time away...

n before you come to the conclusion that the teacher is crazy or probably has to supervise some kids for some CCA, i must say that she doesn't.

she fainted at home once and then regained consiousness on her own. she is still single and does not have anyone else at home. so she will rather come to school and stay until 6 pm every day, even during the hols... cos she figures that should she faint again, at least there will be pple in school to help.

on another note, my fabulous CT is actualli hated by one of my students. Oh my goodness! and to think that she was trying to pull thru one of the lessons despite having very bad gastric pain. tsk tsk tsk these students ah...

and my students jus stood by and watched while i struggled with getting the projector to work. nobody offered to help only cheering that the projector isn't working... This is the second time this has happened to me... in the same class... sometimes wonder if they had pulled out the wires to sabotage my lesson... i dun have problems in other classes! i was really close to tears...

teaching realli isn't easy... it requires so much sacrifices, personal time, your love life even, your health (esp when lunch is quite a luxury.), finding the right resources to make sure the students learn and crossing your fingers that they will like u and not hate u so much they wanna do voodoo on u...

feel like finding all the teachers that taught me in the past and giving them a good hug! thank u so much!

Sunday 22 July 2007

ItS bEeN a WhiLe

been a long while since i last posted a comment.

so much has happened that i dun even noe where to start.

i went on a roller coaster of sorts within this two weeks; from loving the school and raring to start, to wanting to throw in the towel and dreading going to school every morning to being happy again that students are enjoying my teaching methods and paying attention, to being upset over my sup said about my lesson and feeling comforted by comments from my CTs.

I guess it really isn't easy being a teacher. No wonder teachers can end up going crazy. Sometimes i almost see myself in those unmarried, middle aged teachers who are still teaching. Maybe 20 years down the road that will be what i will be like, temperamental and cranky and called a old witch by my students. What a scary thought, but what can i do? I am just not pretty enough to catch the attention of anyone... Sighz

i lost to another gal again. cos she is indeed prettier, slimmer, a much better dresser, a great conversation starter... me? i am just not worth that second look... maybe not even that first look... sometimes i look in the mirror and ask why am i me? why am i not somebody else? i am so upset i wanna start throwing books. so sickening to see even the married male teachers trying to get close to her... so what if she has a beautiful face? why can't people see beyond appearances? or maybe we are jus not programmed to do so...

can't help feeling really inferior, it almost hurts when i hear others talk about their wonderful experience teaching and how their lesson went so well or how their students really love them. hurts so bad i wanna give up...

i went to a church event recently, something i haven't done in a good 8 years. wow time really flies, i am already 24 this year. but do i really want to go back to church? i don't really noe... will it make me happier? will it make my life more complete? i am not sure either? but why do my Christians friends all so seem at ease with their lives? so happy? so contented? is it becos of the church they attend? their pastor? their fellow cell group members?

and it doesn't help that my brother is not around cos he is away at army. he is my in house counsellor and now i feel really lost without him. sometimes i just feel like crying... there seems to be nobody who really understands me... i miss my NUS friends, miss my NIE friends... school can be so hostile at times...

looks like the tone of this posting is doomed to be a sad sad one.
been kind of depressed for a while.
hope i pick myself up real soon

Tuesday 3 July 2007

eXpeNsiVe TeaChiNg + PuLaU BuKoM

jus so i truly become the ppt princess, i blew 139 dollars on a remote control for the ppt slides... ha ha very very worth it, at least now do more justice to my slides... and another 10 bucks on a laptop lock and more money on flashboards, paper for making pirates hat... teaching is incurring a lot of cost and time and energy... sapped

took students on a fieldtrip to pulau bukom today to discover oil refining. ha ha so stressful being the teacher in charge of things. so afraid they will fall, so scared they might jump into the pool, fall into the sea... had many near panic attacks... can really shorten my life span man!!

Wednesday 27 June 2007


there was a minor technical glitch at the com lab today and my CT had gone to get help. I was left alone with the class who was literally bringing the room down with their noise. I rack my brains for a simple game to play and to try to entertain them so that they remain quiet. "Class while we wait for the technician let me do something to entertain you all...." opps maybe i shouldn't have phrased it that way.... and true enough one the boys shouted "Ms tay are you going to sing or are you going to dance?" Then i pouted and tapped the marker in my hand harder into my left palm and exclaimed that i was not going to do either.... and the boy mimicked my exact actions while the rest all broke out in laughter
you may be wondering why i even bother to put this up. afterall it isn't nice to be laughed at isn't? but that 5 mins spent doing the little game helped to break the ice a little and got them to open up... always nice to see them smiling and responding to me again... hope this makes classes next week more smooth going or maybe i can consider slotting in a little salsa or a rendition of twinkle twinkle little star? =P

Monday 25 June 2007

FiRsT daY oF ScHoOL

hey i survived the first day of school! started off the day with a couple of suay events... arrived at the bus stop to see my bus zip right pass me... security guard from tkgs trying to be funny and chat me up (这么久没有见到你,我以为你没有教书了,我在Tampines看到你了. duh? so what?)
surprise surprise we have a total of 10 new teachers with 2 more coming in! vp was at a loss trying to introduce the whole lot of us to the school... everyone is busy busy so i and LL were "appointed" to bring the rest around the school compound, familiarise with school matters, get transponders, find HODs, get things zapped... ha ha ha i am da jie da =P
believe me when i say that the staffroom is literally bursting at its seams with teachers, some of the newbies even had to sit in the pantry... i have a proper seat although its location is nothing to rave about, its in a narrow walkway besides the main entrance and the air con is right behind me... bad 杀气 ,风水不好
was nice to see plenty of familiar faces in the classes, especially when a couple of them dropped by the staffroom to wave and exclaim Ms Tay Ms Tay remember us? and students smiling to me when i pass them by... ha ha feel like a star (暗爽,哈哈哈!)

Sunday 24 June 2007

so Proud

ha ha can't help posting another posting cos not that i wanna boooast... my blog is actually looking not too bad! wa ha ha ha is that your head shaking so violently i see? shaking in disbelief that my blog looks this good right? dun worry it will get better and better and better and better.... =)

Finaally Up!

Ok ok i noe i am really slow in setting up my blog but here it is now! so dun say i am lagging behind in the IT age again. school starts tomolo... gambatte to all trainee teachers like me. may practicum be a breeze... swwiissshhh